Friday, October 31, 2008


I absolutely love this time of year and all the changes that come with it. Trees change colors, the weather gets cooler and the holiday season begins. Even though I love this time of year and all the great things that come with it like the holiday season, I like to take in my holidays one at a time. I mention this because when my alarm clock went off this morning there was a Christmas song playing on the radio and even after the ten minute snooze button went off there was yet another Christmas song playing on the radio. I should not be too surprised I suppose because there was Halloween candy being sold in August and I already saw the first Christmas commercial last week. As a little Halloween treat I'll leave you with a link to hulu for the first few seasons of the Alfred Hitchcock hour and Alfred Hitchcock presents. I recommend watching An Unlocked Window for something creepy on a rainy night. Enjoy!


Breakfast at Tiffany's